How to Double Coin on Freecash Daily Ladder

Today I want  to show you how to double coin from the daily ladder. If you want to know more about the daily ladder you can check my previous post How to claim daily ladder from

One of the method to make money from is to use the daily ladder feature. Doubling the ladder is awesomely tricky and requires heed before one can succeed doing it. 

However, there are somethings that you need to have in order to double coins from the ladder.

One of it is a steady internet network. If you have a steady network you are likely to win but if you don't have you are likely to loose. Secondly, you need to understand there is a pattern with which the ladder can be doubled.  If you understand the pattern, it will be easy to time it and click it.

Remember, it is either you double it or you get a zero. Now, let me go straight to the point


Have a steady network: I can not stress this enough. Without a steady internet network, don't ever think of trying to use this particular method of claiming the daily ladder. You can also check the other method from this article  How to claim daily ladder from

RULE 2: 

Focus: Without focus, you can not get this method working. A little slippery of finger, can make you not double the coin and a zero

RULE 3: 

Observe the pattern: It is more of a personal experience than a general one. You may observe a different pattern from what I'm going to show you. 


Make a click: After observing the pattern with which the ladder move and pause. Base on my experience, after timing it well, make a click on the pause of the moves. Note this is always very fast so you need to be sharp - you need to possess sharp finger.


Repeat the click if success: If you succeed in doubling the coins from the previous steps above, the next step is to make you repeat it. 

Note that, you have up to seven rungs to climb and double the ladder before you can win the maximum coin which is 51,000 coins ($51)

There is an exception to this rule. It is not a must to climb up to the last rung, you may decide to stop anywhere, this could be even after the second claim or the first claim. It only depends on how far you can be focused.

After a successful claim, you can always try again the next day and if luck is by your side, you can win again and again.


This is just my own personal experience, you can observe and do better than me. I have only outlined the possibly steps to take which can make you have a successful claim of the daily ladder reward using the double or get a zero method.  However you can always try the other method of having a consistent claim everyday without trying to double it. If you observe something different or have a technique which is new or different from what i have just shared above, please use the comment section below. Others can learn too.


Below are the most frequently asked questions and answers on this particular method.

  • Is it possible to double up to $51  everyday?
Yes, it is but it is very rare. One can get up to this amount once in a while if he or she knows the tricks.
  • What is the maximum starting coin ?
In my own experience and usage of the site, the maximum starting coin is 100 coins = $0.1
  • Can one only  be claiming daily ladder without completing offers on freecash?
The answer is yes and no. A yes in the sense that you can only do that in 30 days and a no in the sense that after 30 days of not completing offers or survey on the site, you won't be able to claim from the daily ladder.
  • Can one miss the daily ladder reward?
Yes, there is no offense to missing the daily ladder. its a matter of choice to be claiming or not. 

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